



Welcome to Ogunbor Crèche

Our crèche area is an amazing place for children to spend time in. The room is set out with different activities that help your child to develop while playing.

Creche play ground

Outside is another great adventure, with climbing, sliding, building and sand to keep the little mind ticking over and seeking more. With the safe play flooring, you can be confident that your child is safe and well in the best environment available.

Our Outreach Support team, sometimes aided by our volunteers will look after your child(ren), while you undertake one of our many courses. You can rest assured that your child will be busy learning and enjoying all that crèche and play has to offer.

  • The Ogunbor Crèche registration form must be completed and handed into the Ogunbor Crèche supervisor on your child’s first visit. This form will remain confidential available only to Ogunbor Crèche staff. This information will be stored by Ogunbor Crèches and will be used accordingly.
  • Details of any medical conditions, allergies or additional requirements your child may have are to be included in the appropriate section of the registration form.
  • Ogunbor Crèches are not permitted to administer any medication, however; we must be given details of any medication your child is currently taking or prescribed.
  • Ogunbor Crèches courteously remind all parent/guardians not to bring a child into the crèche if they are suffering from sickness, diarrhoea or any other potentially contagious illnesses or viruses. This will help to avoid the spread of infection amongst children and staff members.
Food and Drink
  • Children are welcome to bring a suitable healthy snack (e.g. Fresh or dried fruit, rice cakes, rusks, breadsticks) and a drink in a suitable labelled container.
  • Please do not bring dairy products, sandwiches or anything that needs to be refrigerated into the crèche as we cannot provide this facility.
  • At Ogunbor Crèches our aim is to make our crèches a NUT FREE ZONE, however we cannot fully guarantee this.
  • Children will be expected to sit down at a table while eating and drinking but only if they are of an appropriate age.
Booking In and Out
  • Upon arrival all children’s details must be provided in the daily register. At this time please share any concerns you may have regarding your child and any special instructions which will assist Ogunbor Crèches in providing a joyful experience for your child.
  • Ogunbor Crèches staff will change wet clothing or soiled nappies if or when required during a session. Ogunbor Crèches need you to authorise this by initialling the register in the correct section.
  • Parent/guardians are asked to provide nappies, wipes and cream. A change of clothes for older children is also advisable in case of accidents.
  • Any items brought into the Ogunbor Crèches must be labelled clearly with the child’s name – this includes soothers and pacifiers. This will aid Ogunbor Crèches staff with the registration process.
  • The parent/guardian who signs the child into the crèche on arrival must also be the parent/guardian who signs them out at the end of the session.
  • Both in and out signatures on the daily register must match or the child will not be permitted to leave with the parent/guardian.


Our aim at Ogunbor Crèches is to provide an environment which is fun, stimulating, safe and friendly. If however, you are unhappy or dissatisfied with the service you are receiving; please follow this procedure:

Please liaise with the Ogunbor Crèches Supervisor either in person, by phone or in writing. If after discussing the issue you are still unhappy or dissatisfied you can contact the Ogunbor Crèches Manager who will be happy to investigate your complaint.


creche Features

  • Language
  • Staff
  • Minimum age
    3 months
  • Food & Drink
    Health & Safety
  • Cleaner
  • Care & Discipline
  • Environment
    Safe & Friendly
  • Physical Activity
    Exercise, Sport & Play
Crèches policies and Procedures